pronounced vs pronouncing

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #883 [color=blue]“The History of Coffee”, question 8

Arabica coffee is preferred by 80% of the world’s producers, while only 20 % prefer the Robusta coffee beans.Although, the Robusta has a more flavor, it also has higher caffeine content.

(a) pronounce
(b) pronouncing
(c) pronounced
(d) pronounces

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #883 [color=blue]“The History of Coffee”, answer 8

Arabica coffee is preferred by 80% of the world’s producers, while only 20 % prefer the Robusta coffee beans.Although, the Robusta has a more pronounced flavor, it also has higher caffeine content.

Correct answer: (c) pronounced

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
Arabica coffee is preferred by 80% of the world’s producers, while only 20 % prefer the Robusta coffee beans.Although, the Robusta has a more pronouncing flavor, it also has higher caffeine content.


How do we know whether to choose “ed” participle adjective or “ing” participle adjective attributively–for example in this test sentence?

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Usually by meaning. ‘Pronounced’ means strong, clear; ‘pronouncing’ does not.

Hello Mister Micawber,

Thank you for your brief explanation. In fact, I studied the guidelines of Participial adjectives provided by and found that it was fully comprehensive and handy:


Thus, I applied it to this test sentence, but unfortunately, it didn’t work in this type of construction. They didn’t take into account of this exception, I think.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Yes, those seem to apply when there is no idiomatic difference in meaning.