
Hi everyone,

Many verbs have certain prepositions that follow. And many students do not choose the correct prepositions.

For example, instead of saying, " I arrived at the airport.", a student may say" I arrived to the airport."
Another example is that a student may say, " I am angry from my boyfriend." instead of saying, " I am angry at my boyfriend"

Tell me the reasons why the students commit such mistakes and what are the solutions for this problem



Hello Bashoorah,

I am not a teacher, just a French learner but I reckon student do not read a lot for having the habit to use the preposition ‘at’ in your examples.

Maybe they mix the following sentences ‘to go to the airport’ and ‘to arrive at the airport’.

But I believe there is only one way to obviate these mistakes, it’s to learn them by heart, because often the use in English of preposition are not very clear. Whatever, it is not so big grammar error we can understand what they want to tell us.

Hope my answer seems to you nice.

Have a nice day.

Hi the French,

Thank you for your nice reply. You are right. Reading a lot is the first solution.
Do you think their mother tongue affects their choice of the correct preposition?
For example, we say in Arabic وصل إلى . It means literally arrive to .



Indeed their mother tongue affect the construction of their sentences. Nonetheless lots of persons translate their tongue directly word by word in English and it is why often we have these kind of mistakes.

Have a sunny day.

At the airport and angry with someone about something.

A prepositional phrase is made up of the preposition, its object and any associated adjectives or adverbs. A prepositional phrase can function as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. The most common prepositions are “about,” “above,” “across,” “after,” “against,” “along,” “among,” “around,” “at,” “before,” “behind,” “below,” “beneath,” “beside,” etc.

Pruthiraj Nayak