- Please help me to correct the sentences

  1. Take this road and you will reach at the hotel in five minutes.

  2. I saw him break the window and ran away.

  3. There is some good news.

  4. The best room in that hotel overlook the day.

  5. the flat is decorated in a sweet combination of colors.

  6. The job offer was good job for him to turn down.


Hi, here are my suggestions:


I have made some grammatical modifications.

  • Take this road and you will reach the hotel in five minutes.
  • I saw him break the window and run away.
  • There is some good news.
  • The best room in that hotel overlooks the day. (??)
  • The flat is decorated in a sweet combination of colors.
  • The job offer was too good for him to turn down.

Great minds think alike my friend!


The word ‘bay’ didn’t strike me though that sentence was not found to make good sense. So, I put two question marks within brackets. Yes, your guess is quite correct, Luschen. Great! Thanks.

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I also did not make the connection between ‘day’ and ‘bay’ but TJ did, so he saved the day yet another time :+1::smile:.


You will reach the hotel in the five minutes, by taking this road (opinion)
I saw him when he broke the window and ran away. (opinion, not correction)

Hi, I am not sure what you mean. Maybe opinion means another way of stating it? In that case I agree, except in your first sentence, almost all the time it would be “in five minutes”, unless for some reason you just mentioned a five minute period previously.


Thanks for the correction Sir, Luschen, that is my typo error. I accept what you said is correct, Sir.


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