please could you check the text

Effective writing skills and its implications in personal, academic, and professional lives

Writing skills are the most important skills which allow to become a successful person in many social fields. This course gives deep insight into effective writing and its materials present useful techniques which can be used in personal, academic, and professional lives. Being a postgraduate student, I often come across the necessity of composing papers. Furthermore, my short-term aim is to write a PhD thesis. Clear structure of paragraph is very important for academic writing. Besides, transitions and logical conclusion guarantee success. The course greatly expanded my knowledge about these features. For example, I found out more about such paragraph elements as topic sentence and supporting details. Thus, the knowledge made me confident in academic writing. My professional life also requires effective writing skills since I have to write many emails at work. As a customer manager, I should assure the clients that our goods have a row of competitive advantages. The course provided basis for convincing writing as well. Moreover, correct punctuation improves general impression about sender. As for my personal life, I strongly believe that this course helped me to polish writing style and expand knowledge about useful tools. To sum up, effective writing skills are very crucial since they allow to communicate in personal, academic, and professional lives.

Effective writing skills and their implications in personal, academic, and professional lives

Writing skills are the most important skills which allow us to become a successful people in many social fields. This course gives a deep insight into effective writing, and its materials present useful techniques which can be used in personal, academic, and professional lives.

Being a postgraduate student, I often find it necessary to compose papers. Furthermore, my short-term aim is to write a PhD thesis. Clear structure of paragraphs is very important for academic writing while (whilst - more formal) effective transitions and a logical conclusion are likely to lead to success. The course greatly expanded my knowledge about these features. For example, I found out more about such paragraph elements as topic sentences and supporting details. The knowledge made me confident in academic writing.

My professional life also requires effective writing skills since I have to write many emails at work. As a customer manager, I need to assure the clients that our goods have competitive advantages. The course provided a basis for developing convincing writing as well as more academic work and demonstrates how correct punctuation improves the general impression about the sender.

As for my personal life, I strongly believe that this course helped me to polish my writing style and expand my knowledge about useful writing tools.

To sum up, effective writing skills are very crucial since they allow us to communicate in our personal, academic, and professional lives.

You’ll notice that I’ve removed or replaced some of your transitions’. They were over-used and did not sound at all natural.

Thanks a lot, Bev!!!