Please correct my paragraph


Please find the mistake in the following paragraph:.

“The English sold the beautiful valley of Kashmir to Gulab Singh in 1946. All Muslims besides Kashmir’s valley were sold. Pakistan came into existence in 1947. Kashmiris wanted to join Pakistan. Raja Harri Singh annexed Bharat. Seikh Abdullah supported the decision. Kashmiris took up arms. Pakistan supported Kashmiriis. A ceasefire was agreed under UN.”

Many thanks in advance.

Areas requiring most attention are underlined.

“The English sold the beautiful valley of Kashmir to Gulab Singh in 1946. All Muslims besides Kashmir’s valley were sold. Pakistan came into existence in 1947. Kashmiris wanted to join Pakistan. Raja Harri Singh annexed Bharat. Seikh Abdullah supported the decision. Kashmiris took up arms. Pakistan supported Kashmiriis. A ceasefire was agreed under UN.”

The second sentence in particular needs review.
As it stands it indicates that the Muslim people who lived by the side of the Kashmir valley were sold.
The Kashmiris’ every time.