Please confirm

“It was my first time to go abroad.”
Is this sentence OK? Please confirm.
“Please allow me more two hours to complete the job.”
Is this sentence OK? Please confirm.

It was my first chance to go abroad. (It was the first time that I went abroad)
Please allow me two hours more to complete the job.

These are possible:
It was my first time abroad.
It was the first time for me to go abroad.

It was my first chance to go abroad’ has a different meaning. It doesn’t indicate that you necessarily went.

II. Although Anglophile’s suggestion here is not wrong, another more common possibility is:
Please allow me two more hours to complete the job.


  1. I’m going to use Skype for the first time tomorrow.
  2. It’ll be my first time to use Skype tomorrow.
  3. It is my first time to use Skype.
  4. Tomorrow will be my first time to use Skype.
    Are all they correct? Please verify.
  1. I’m going to use Skype for the first time tomorrow.
  2. It’ll be the first time I use Skype tomorrow.
  3. It is my first time using Skype.
  4. Tomorrow will be the first time I use Skype.

I have seen you have changed my sentences. That are fine.
Do you consider all my sentences wrong grammatically?
Please comment.

  1. I did not change.
    2-4. Your sentence is used informally, but can be improved for writing and formal speaking in the way I’ve indicated.