Playing game teaches us about life?

Topic 148: do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing game teaches us about life?

People play games for some reasons, and the most common reason for playing game is fun. Although some people think that there are nothing to do with games without fun, I agree with the notion that people can take a lot of good lessons about life from playing game because it teach us to communicate with others, helps us to master some critical skills, such as being patient and flexible.

To begin with, when people play games, they may know how to cooperate with others well. There are many games which require players have to understand and support to each others in order to get success in the games. If some people do not have abiltities to do these tasks their teams will not accept them or these teams will fail. For example, in the football game, a football player have to follow the strategies of coachs and work together with ten other football players to play a match. In the real life, working individually is very difficult for people; therefore, they can apply the lessons of communication which they have learned from playing game to commuicate with others to work well.

In addition, playing game helps us to practice a lot of significant skills. In order to win in many games, players have to focus and think carefully in a long time. Therefore, they have to be patient, otherwise their opponent will successfull. Playing chess, for instance, is a game that ask players to have persistence, because if players hurry to decide, they will be traped easily by their opponents. Beside, the situations in many games are always change, so we have to respond very quickly in order to play well. By that way, our mind will be more flexible and intelligent.

In conclusion, our lives will be boring if people do not have games to play. Games have become an important addition to our lives. through playing game, people can learn a lot of lessons about life, such as communication, being patien and adaptable.

TOEFL listening discussions: Why does the student visit the professor?

Topic 148: do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing game teaches us about life?

People play games for /some/MANY/ reasons, and the most common reason for playing gameS is TO HAVE fun. Although some people think that there are nothing to do with IS NO POINT IN PLAYING games without fun, I agree with the notion that people can /take/LEARN/ a lot of good lessons about life from playing gameS(,) because THEY teach us to communicate with others, helps us to master some critical skills, such as being patient and flexible.

To begin with, when people play games, they may know how to cooperate with others well. There are many games which require players have to understand and OFFER support to each OTHER in order to get success in the GAME. If some people do not have THE ABILITY TO PERFORM these tasks their team will not accept them(,) or these teams will fail. For example, in the football game, a football player have HAS to follow the strategies of coachEs and work together with ten other football players to play a match. In the real life, working individually is very difficult for people; therefore, they can apply the lessons of communication(,) which they have learned from playing gameS(,) to commuNicate with others(.) to work well.

In addition, playing gameS helps us to practice a lot of significant skills. In order to win in many games, players have to focus and think carefully in a long time ADVANCE. Therefore, they have to be patient, otherwise their opponentS will BE successful. Playing chess, for instance, is a game that askS players to have persistence, because if players hurry to decide, they will be trapPed easily by their opponents. Beside, The situations in many games are always changING, so we have to respond very quickly in order to play well. IN that way, our mind will beCOME more flexible and intelligent.

In conclusion, our lives WOULD be boring if people DID not have games to play. Games have become an important addition to our lives. Through playing gameS, people can learn a lot of lessons about life, such as communication, being patienT and adaptable.
Good morning Lamktqd. An acceptable essay.

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