Phrase "he could squeeze one in edgewise"


I have got a little puzzled again with the following passage.

  1. Does ‘he could squeeze one in edgewise’ mean ‘he could insert one in between’?

  2. Could the whole underlined part be rearranged to: The flavor of disobedience was titillating, and the next time when he could squeeze one in edgewisethe Nately moaned deliberately again?

  1. Does it mean ‘his statement had been approved’?

Could you please help me out again? Thank you!


1-- Yes, this is the famous Moaning Scene. ‘…the next time he could insert a moan between two other moans’.

2-- The flavor of disobedience was titillating, and the next time that he could squeeze one in edgewise, Nately moaned deliberately again.

3-- No; ‘his mention of General Dreedle had been noticed by General Dreedle’.

Thank you, Mr Micawber, and I am sure they are all very clear to me now!
