People Attend College Or University For Many Different Reasons.

People Attend College Or University For Many Different Reasons (for Example, New Experiences, Career Preparation, Increased Knowledge). Why Do You Think People Attend College Or University? Use Specific Reasons And Examples To Support Your Answer.

In today’s world, education is the prime requirement to be successful human in term to achieve knowledge, experience and good career. To fulfill this important requirement one should attend college or university. Therefore, in my opinion, to have good future, people should attend college or university to gain experience, to have detailed knowledge and to make a good career to live quite and comfortable life.

To begin with, knowledge is the power. In depth knowledge of the a particular subject is necessary to be a good teacher, doctor, scientist or lawyer which we can achieve by studying in a particular field. In order to be powerful in own field of interest , one needs to attend the college or university to gain specific knowledge. By way of example, a medical nurse cannot be perform a surgery, even though she has seen same surgery for the several times for many years. She might have an idea about the procedure but she does not know in detail about it. For that she needs to be qualified before she makes a single cut to the patients. This is how to get a knowledge about specific subjects is important; hence, we should attend a college or an university.

In addition to detailed knowledge, student can get a vast experience from college life. In university or college, students have an opportunity to meet many different kind of people. They can have many positive and negative experiences from those people which will aid in building a growing adult inside the student. Though college life, many people may experience a beginning of beautiful journey of their life; reason for saying this is that I found my best friend while studying in college. Another thing I experienced is that I have been pass through various conditions such as pressure of submissions on time, disciplines to maintain at college and so on which explained me how to deal with certain situations. Thus, i believe that we should attend a college or an university.

Finally, to make a career in field of interest , we should have to attend university or college. The institution award us specific degree after completion of the study which is necessary to have a job. Another important thing is money. To have a good satisfactory life, one should make good money. A nicely paid job can give us good financial support, and helps us to fulfill our dreams which can come from studying in uniiversity. For instance, one of my friends did MBA from Haward university. Now he is doing job in one of the reputed bank. he is getting high paystub. He is settled down nicely in term of finance. He enjoys his life at fullest. Thus, to make a good career and to enjoy the life, one should attend an university.

To put all in nutshell, I would say college or university education is a basic need in our growing twenty first century. We have many advantages out of it as I mentioned earlier my essay. To have a good social status, a good financial position and most importantly an unique experiences in life, people should attend the college or university.

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Hi Kattie, I enjoyed reading your essay. You have some great reasons and have developed them well. I thought your examples were relevant and convincing. You do have quite a few minor errors in grammar and usage though, and some of your sentences seem to be missing a few words. And a couple phrases seemed unclear to me. Overall, I would rate this a 3.5 out of 5.

quote=“Kattie”]People Attend College Or University For Many Different Reasons (for Example, New Experiences, Career Preparation, Increased Knowledge). Why Do You Think People Attend College Or University? Use Specific Reasons And Examples To Support Your Answer.

In today’s world, education is the prime requirement to be [a ]successful human {“human” sounds odd here, like you are emphasizing that animals don’t need education to be successful. Generally, use human when talking about biology or comparing people to animals} in term[s of achieving] to achieve knowledge, experience and [a ]good career. To fulfill this important requirement[,] one should attend college or university. Therefore, in my opinion, to have good future, people should attend college or university to gain experience, to have detailed knowledge and to make a good career to live quite {“quite” is wrong here - what do you mean?} and comfortable life. {this intro seemed to have quite a bit of repetition in in}

To begin with, knowledge is the power. In[-]depth knowledge of the a particular subject is necessary to be a good teacher, doctor, scientist or lawyer [,]{I would say “… lawyer, knowledge which we can …” because “which” is too far from “knowledge” in this sentence} which we can {I would add “only” here to provide more stress} achieve by studying in a particular field. In order to be powerful in [ones] own field of interest , one needs to attend the college or university to gain specific knowledge. By way of example, a medical nurse cannot be perform a surgery, even though she has seen [the] same surgery for the[done] several times for many years. {this is a bit unclear - do you mean several times a year for many years?} She might have an idea about the procedure but she does not know in detail about it. For that she needs to be qualified before she makes a single cut to the patients. This is [why getting] how to get a knowledge about specific subjects is important; hence, we should attend a college or an university.

In addition to detailed knowledge, [a ]student can get a vast experience {“experience” is general non-countable, unless you are talking about a specific event} from college life. In university or college, students have an opportunity to meet many different kind[s ] of people. They can have many positive and negative experiences from those people[,] which will aid in building a growing adult inside the student.{this image sounds a little odd to me} Th[ro]gh college life, many people may experience a{“the” is better, as there is only one beginning} beginning of [a ]beautiful journey of their life; [my] reason for saying this is that I found my best friend while studying in college. Another thing I experienced is that I have been [able to] pass through various conditions {“trials” or “challenges” are better here} such as pressure of [completing] submissions on time, disciplin[e ] to maintain [my grades] at college and so on which explained [to]{“which showed me” is better for non-verbal lessons} me how to deal with certain situations. Thus, i believe that we should attend a college or an university. {this wrap-up sentence sounds a bit abrupt here - you have to refer to the example a bit more explicitly}

Finally, to make a career in [ones] field of interest , we should have to attend university or college. The institution award[s ] us specific degree[s ] after completion of the study[,] which is necessary to have{“get” seems better here} a job. Another important thing is money. To have a good satisfactory life, one should make good money. A nicely paid job can give us good financial support, and hel[p ] us to fulfill our dreams which{it sounds like the which is referring to dreams - that you get your dreams from college - I don’t think this is what you mean though} can come from studying in uniiversity. For instance, one of my friends did MBA from Haward {I think you mean either “Howard” or “Harvard”} [U]niversity. Now he is doing [a ]job {“career” or “now he holds a position in” are better}in one of the reputed bank[s and]. he is getting [a large] high pay[check]. He is settled down nicely in term[s ] of finance. He enjoys his life at [to the] fullest. Thus, to make a good career and to enjoy the life, one should attend an university.{this wrap up sentence seems better}

To put [it] all in [a ]nutshell, I would say college or university education is a basic need in our growing twenty[-]first century.{it sounds a bit odd to me to say that the century is growing} We have many advantages out of[from] it as I mentioned earlier my essay. {I don’t really like this sentence} To have a good social status, a good financial position and most importantly[,] an unique experiences in life, people should attend the college or university.

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