People attend college or university for many dif ferent reasons (for example,

People attend college or university for many dif ferent reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Nowadays it is of high importance to understand why people join academic programs. It is a crucial factor in that directs the social, economic and academic policies and strategies of the community. Speaking for myself, a great deal of aspects could be asserted as the main reason of this fact. Needless to say, the priority of reason is different for each category of people.
It is widely believed that the chief reason of education is for economical aims. According to a published report, people mainly are of the opinion that to possess a higher academic degree means to enjoy a better job in the future. To put it more bluntly, educators would be more prosperous to find a job and substantially have the more opportunity to climb up the ladder of improvement. To illustrate the point, mostly they occupy the top of hierarchy.
The other firmly effective reason for educating could be achieving the social class and credit. As a matter of fact, people mostly appreciate and praise the educated ones. Generally speaking, a person with a high academic degree could enjoy a large amount of respect and credit from others in many areas.
Last but not least, education is able to grant people more knowledge and skills which not only are useful for they career and making money, but also for managing their social life. By this I mean, due to their knowledge and ability to think systematic, they are able to solve their life problems in a better way and additionally to make a more sophisticated decisions in crisis than those with no academic education.
Having considered all above, it could be concluded that education affects all aspects of ones life. There is not any specific reason for taking part in university, yet there are lots of factors which encourage people to take academic degree, namely; job security, social class and more skills for daily life.

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Nowadays it is of high importance to understand why people join academic programs. It is a crucial factor in that WHICH directs the social, economic and academic policies and strategies of the community. Speaking for myself, a great deal of aspects could be asserted as the main reasonS FOR this fact. Needless to say, the priority of reason is different for each category of people.
It is widely believed that the chief reason of education is for economical aims. According to a published report, people mainly are of the opinion that to possess a higher academic degree means to enjoy a better job in the future. To put it more bluntly, educators would be more prosperous to find a job and substantially have the more opportunity to climb up the ladder of improvement. To illustrate the point, mostly they occupy the top of hierarchy.
The other firmly effective reason for educating could be achieving the social class and credit. As a matter of fact, people mostly appreciate and praise the educated ones. Generally speaking, a person with a high academic degree could enjoy a large amount of respect and credit from others in many areas.
Last but not least, education is able to grant people more knowledge and skills which not only are useful for they career and making money, but also for managing their social life. By this I mean, due to their knowledge and ability to think systematic, they are able to solve their life problems in a better way and additionally to make a more sophisticated decisions in crisis than those with no academic education.
Having considered all above, it could be concluded that education affects all aspects of ones life. There is not any specific reason for taking part in university, yet there are lots of factors which encourage people to take academic degree, namely; job security, social class and more skills for daily life.

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