Passive voice: A group of students have met their friend at the railway...

How to change this sentence into passive voice?
A group of students have met their friend at the railway station.

HI Lephuoc,

Can I suggest that you try first and change the sentence into the passive yourself. Then I will say what I think.


Hi Alan,
Mine is as follow:
The friend of a group of students has been met at the railway station.

Hi Lephuoc

Your original sentence is not a good one to change to a passive construction. Although the passive sentence you wrote is grammatically correct, it nevertheless sounds awkward and forced to me.

A group of students have met their friends at the railway station.(Active)
Their friends have been met by a group of students at the railway station.(Passive)
Are the above two sentences are OK grammatically?
Do they sound OK?

Hi Hanifasmm

Grammatically speaking, each sentence is fine. However, as I see it, one problem with changing this particular sentence from active to passive is this:

In the active sentence, it sounds as if the group of students met their own friends at the station.
In the passive sentence, it sounds as if the group of students met somebody else’s friends at the station.

A group of students’ friends have been met by that group at the railway station.(Passive)
If I put the sentence as above, do you feel its meaning changed in the passive construction?