Out of the three major American stock exchanges, ..... is known to have the most liberal policies concerning company listing, as most of its companies are generally smaller; it also specialises in the trading of ETFs and hybrid/structured securities.

Out of the three major American stock exchanges, ..... is known to have the most liberal policies concerning company listing, as most of its companies are generally smaller; it also specialises in the trading of ETFs and hybrid/structured securities. (*) AMEX (*) CME (*) NASDAQ (*) NYSE

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/9719,out-of-the-three-major-american-stock-exchanges-___-is-known-to-have-the-most-liberal-policies-concerning-company-listing-as-most-of-its-companies-are-generally-smaller-it-also-specialises-in-the-trading-of-etfs-and-hybridstructured-securities/