Could you please tell me the opposite of “Strict Vegetarian”? How about Strict Carnivorous?
How does the sentence sound?
1- My sister is a strict vegetarian but I am a strict carnivorous.
Could you please tell me the opposite of “Strict Vegetarian”? How about Strict Carnivorous?
How does the sentence sound?
1- My sister is a strict vegetarian but I am a strict carnivorous.
Carnivorous is an adjective, Tom, so you’d have to say “strictly carnivorous” to be grammatically correct. The noun is carnivore.
Unfortunately, in addition to the grammar problem, this sentence tends to make you sound like a wild animal.
I’d say …“I’m a strict carnivore” only if I were trying to be a bit humorous. Otherwise you could use the word “meat-eater” or “meat-lover” or simply say you are not a vegetarian. OR you could say “I only eat meat.”
or you could say that you are vlesetarian. a term that is the same as “meat-eater” only its unofficial since i coined it
…or a “lord of the Order of Meat”.
a dead (or rather ‘killed’) animal eater!
Which begs the question:
when animal eaters die, what happens to them?
har har har
I would imagine that i’d be buried like everyone else
strict vegetarian -> exclusive meat-eater?
Apparently, the term ‘meatarian’ is used, too.