On the end vs. at the end


Does on the end indicate we are talking about a location? Here is the sentence:

It’s the gold door on the end”.

I suppose, at the end is used in connection with time? (at the end of the day/at the end of the month…)


TOEIC short conversations: Employee congratulates co-worker on his job promotion.[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten

AT is also used for place:

“at” the end of the sentence
“at” the end of the street
“at” the end of the song
“at” the end of the line

In fact, I’m having trouble coming up with an example of when I might say “on the end”. But it would probably be a case where something is really on (top of) the final part or section of something. Maybe “on the end of the table” …


Hi Amy,

That sentence appears in Angels and Demons and refers to a door on the end (of a hallway).[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Two friends meeting at the subway talking about transport options.[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten

Maybe without the “of the” part, I might be more willing to say “on the end”. And in your example, it would then be similar to expressions like “It’s on the right” / “It’s on the left”…

But as a general rule, I wouldn’t use “on the end”.


Dear Torsten

Still not finished with ANGELS AND DEMONS? :smiley:

I think you are reading it with the language point of view, aren’t you? I also think this way the charm of the story will go away. Well, you liked this one more or THE DA VINCI CODE?


Hi Tom,

Are are right, I’m reading Angels and Demons for a variety of reasons one of which is the language. What do you mean by the charm of the story? What you call the book charming?
I suppose, you have read both - Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code? Which did you like better? I saw the move The Davinci Code and I’m sure the book is better. To me, the idea of Angels and Demons is more interesting than the Da Vinci Code.[YSaerTTEW443543]

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Dear Torsten

Here in Pakistan they have banned The DA Vinci Code(movie), and the people are very restless to get/ watch it. How did you like it? Have you also read The Deception Point? Who is your favourite bestselling author?


Hi Tom,

Why exactly was The Da Vinci Code banned in Pakistan? What happens if you watch the movie on a DVD? As for The Deception Point – I have not heard of it yet. Is it a book? Have you read it? I used to read all kinds of thrillers to improve my English and I liked John Grisham a lot because his books were easy to read and they contained many dialogues.
What about you? I take it you read English books every day? Who are your favourite authors?


TOEIC short conversations: Sales clerk advises customer in jewelry store.[YSaerTTEW443543]

Dear Torsten

Yes, Deception Point is another book by D. Brown. He has written altogether four novels up until now. The Da Vinci Code was banned in Pakistan because of its controversial issue.

Yes, I like John Grisham also but his books sometimes and in some cases all the time involve too much of law and then that starts to bore me. Have you seen the movie " The Pelican Brief " based on his novel? Julia Roberts has done wonders in it.

Well, talking about my most favourite bestselling author, it is none other than Sidney Sheldon. I simply adore his plots. Have you read any of his books? If not, do read “Tell me your dreams.” and " The other side of midnight." Lady Dianna once said in an interview, " I cried the whole night when I finished IF TOMORROW COMES.

Torsten, do you live in America?

Can you tell me a little bit of background of esl-test.net? :smiley:

Who started this simply wonderful “journey”? How did he/ she meet the moderators in different parts of the world?

Keep in touch


Tom, what you do you think of The Da Vinci Code? Do you find it controversial enough to ban it? What part of the story does the Pakistani government find troublesome?

I agree with your saying that Grisham can get-longwinded when it comes to describing law procedures. On the other hand, he often provides you with some background information on the US law system. As for the film The Pelican Brief, yes I saw it a long time ago and I think back then I liked it although I’m sure Julia Roberts has bigger fans than me.

So what is IF TOMORROW COMES all about? How did you learn about Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham and Dan Brown? Where do you get your books from?

Currently, I live in the EU but I do want to spend time in other countries and I also want to go to North America. What about you – have you ever lived abroad?

Sure, english-test.net (esl-test.net is a good ideas too…) was an idea Alan Townend, Slava Gromov and I had a couple of years ago. We wanted to create a place where intelligent people like you can meet with professors, trainers and enthusiasts of the English language can meet any time to share their knowledge and ideas.

Well, once we had started the forum as part of the website more and more people joined our community and some of them volunteered to become moderators and provide support to learners of the English language.
Tom, you might also tell us more about yourself. What do you do? Are you a student? Where and how have you learned English?

Talk to you soon,

TOEIC short conversations: Woman asks real estate agent how many of his new apartments he has found tenants for.[YSaerTTEW443543]

Dear Torsten

“If tomorrow comes” is a story of a woman betrayed brutally. " Tell me your dreams" and " The other side of midnight" are also worthreading. I am very fond of reading novels and collected more than a 1000. I really do not know if it is a good number because here you would hardly find a person sharing this taste. Some of my favourite writers are:

1- Sidney Sheldon
2- Emile Bronte (Wuthering Heights)
3- James Hadley Chase.
4- Dan Brown
5- J. Archer and all

Torsten, what is your mother tongue? And who is Slava Gromov? Never saw her in the moderator’s list!

Could I give a few suggestions as how to make this site a bit more user-friendly?


Dear Tom,Slava Gromov is a man!Torsten, I’m glad that Russian people also made a contribution to this site.Though I’m not Russian but I consider Russian language as my native one :smiley:

Hi Tom, many thanks for your suggestions. As for my native language, it’s German.
Slava Gromov – as Pamela pointed out, Slava (that’s his short name and it means ‘fame’) is Russian but he also European like me :wink:
Please meet Slava here

And yes Tom, please do let us know how to make our site more user-friendly, that’s what our forum is all about.

Thanks in advance and thanks to you Pamela…[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Two employees compare the features of two computers[YSaerTTEW443543]