Nuclear investigators from the US and other nations now believe that the

Nuclear investigators from the US and other nations now believe that the ..... market network run by the Pakistani scientist A. Q. Khan was selling not only technology for enriching nuclear fuel, but also some of the darkest of the bomb makers' arts: the engineering secrets needed to fabricate nuclear warheads. (*) black (*) cellar (*) gray (*) underground

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,nuclear-investigators-from-the-us-and-other-nations-now-believe-that-the-___-market-network-run-by-the-pakistani-scientist-a-q-khan-was-selling-not-only-technology-for-enriching-nuclear-fuel-but-also-some-of-the-darkest-of-the-bomb-makers-arts-the-engineering-secrets-needed-to-fabricate-nuclear-warheads/

black…,this is the only correct unswer by luck.

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Yes, the correct collocation is ‘black market’.

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The same collocation is in my language. Thanks.

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We have an equivalent in German too: Schwarzmarkt

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In Russian we use exatly the same collocation: Чёрный рынок


Wonderful, We are all sharing the same collocation.