No German equivalent to the verb to tweet

We Germans usually quickly create German versions of English verbs. Here are just a few examples:

  • downloaden
  • twittern
  • chatten
  • surfen
  • dissen
  • chillen
  • daten
  • posten
  • liken
  • bloggen

However, there doesn’t seem to be a German version of the English verb ‘to tweet’. In German we say ‘etwas auf Twitter schreiben’.


Does German have words for the sound a bird makes, like tweet or chirp?


I am sure German is far too sensible and grown up to want a similar word! I always find it ridiculous when I hear in a report saying for example - The President has tweeted … How undignified that sounds. To me it’s tantamount to saying that the President burst into tears and threw his dolly out of pram. I ask you!


Yes, it does, for example zwitschern which is pretty much the equivalent to tweeting. Actually, come to think of it the Germans do say things like ‘er hat es in einem Tweet gepostet’. So, tweet is used in German but as a noun rather than a verb.


Ha ha ha…

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Here is an update: I’ve just realized that the official German verb is ‘twittern’. On German news channels for example you will hear and read phrases such as ‘… twitterte Trump’. So, in German the brand name ‘Twitter’ is used as a verb. It’s has already be added to the Duden: Duden | twittern | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft

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Germans call the sound a bird makes “zwitschern” or even “singen”.