New member: This is Ashraf Bakhsh from Saudi Arabia. I am engineer working in...

Hi to every body,

This is Ashraf Bakhsh from Saudi Arabia. I am engineer working in Aviation field. I want to get more practice in TOEIC exams. My company put this test as a standard for every promotion. Iwant to share the English experience with every body in this forum.

I am very happy to join you in this great site. I would like to thank every body working in this web site for them great services.



Hi Ashraf,

Thank you for your comment! How do you prepare for the exam, and what do you do to improve your English?

All the best,


Hi Ralf,

Thank you for your Comment. I want to share this with you. You may have better tetchiness than me.

Actually, I am working to improve my vocabulary by studying some new words every day.

Also, I am testing my understanding by practicing the online tests when ever I found a new test or quiz.

Tell me Ralf if you have any thing can help me.

Thank you again for your cares.


Hi Ashraf,

I think that whatever you do to improve your English should involve authentic material and sources. In the beginning it’s OK to use learner’s material, but on the long run you shouldn’t shy away from proper English language websites, radio programmes (available online), TV, correspondence (like here on the forum) and, if possible, face-to-face communication.

Let me know what you think!

Take care,


Hi Ralf,

You are Wright. Watching TV, listening to radio, and face to face communication are much important techniques to push up the English skills.

From your experience tell me what the right way to start with and what are the effective techniques to improve my English skills.

Thank you again for your care.


Hi Ashraf,

You could try and read articles, listen to the radio or ausio clips, watch CNN, BBC World Service or other audio clips, watch DVDs with English subtitles and talk to anybody who can communicate in English.

Or you could check out the test section on this site, participate in discussions on the forum and keep asking questions in the grammar section here. You can also subscribe to the free audio course or take the free email course.

Good luck,


Dear Ralf,

Thank you very much for your advcie.

I will do from today. :slight_smile:

Thank you again.
