Need help with opening statement...

We’re writing a case study… and here’s what we have to open with…

“With the classic chalkboard being replaced by more advanced displays such as projectors and smart boards in the classroom, schools are looking for a clean, dependable, and easy-to-install application to hook up their PC or Tablets to these projectors. As the use of advanced technology grows, many of these schools are looking for wireless solutions.”

None of it sounds right, and it’s one big run on sentence!! How do I word this correctly? Help!!!

Actually, it sounds fine to me. The only changes I would suggest are in bold:

With the classic classroom chalkboard being replaced by more advanced displays such as projectors and smart boards, schools are looking for a clean, dependable and easy-to-install application to connect their PCs or Tablets to these displays. As the use of advanced technology spreads, many of these schools are looking for wireless solutions.