Native to a country

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-83 “GMAT Verbal Quiz (6)”, question 4

You can tell that this piece of furniture is to America because of the strong colonial style.

(a) born
(b) inherent
(c) special
(d) native

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-83 “GMAT Verbal Quiz (6)”, answer 4

You can tell that this piece of furniture is native to America because of the strong colonial style.

Correct answer: (d) native

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
You can tell that this piece of furniture is inherent to America because of the strong colonial style.

I don’t get the “native to America” structure here…

Native to a country means that it has its origins (birth) in a particular country.

So can we imply that this piece of furniture is “from” America?

If you said that, it could suggest that the noun is animate/human.

point taken…

Hi Alan,

Updated. I added the sentences, as I’ve known from my dictionary the expression ‘native of’:
Could I say in that way:
I’m native to Russia.
I’m native of Russia.

What about district or city:
I’m native to Moscow district.
I’m native of Moscow district.

I’m native to Moscow.
I’m native of Moscow.

What examples are correct? What is the difference between these paires?

Thank you very much,

Hi teachers,

What about my question above about prepositions ‘to’ and ‘of’ between ‘native’ and geographical areas?

Thank you,

I’m native to Russia.
I’m a native of Russia.

If you said that, it could suggest that the noun is animate/human.
SO Mr. Alan if I should say the following would it be correct?

  1. This very computer is made ‘from’ the U.S.A. (is this wrong?)
    Please confirm thanks.[/b]

Or should I just say: this very computer is a NATIVE to the U.S.A(would this be correct?). Please confirm thanks.

This computer is made in the USA.
This computer is manufactured in the USA.
This computer comes from the USA.

You would not use ‘native’ of a manufactured object.

Well, you can say “Nexus 4’s” native OS is Android 4.2.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A truck on the highway[YSaerTTEW443543]