My Voice

To all the members of this forum.

Hello everyone,
I just posted my voice here and would like to have your feedback of any kind. Be it Negative or positive, I will take it. Thanks.


Hello Noren…

Your voice is [color=blue]good and your English pronunciation is [color=blue]excellent. But basically the audio recording is not up to the standard…One more thing…you took 3:15 minutes for just introduction…short and precise recordings will be better…because people may not have much time to listen…OK

Hi Sahid,
Thank you very much for listening to my voice & the feedback. You are right in saying “…ppl may not have much time to listen…”. I will take your advice and implement it ASAP.

With warm regards

Hello Noren,

Thanks a lot for recording your first voice message which contains a lot of interesting information. I agree with Sahid – your voice and pronunciation are very good and we look forward to hearing more from you. One thing I’d like to ask you is if you can try to reduce the background noise when you are recording your message. I don’t know if it’s really background noise or just the settings of your microphone. Do you use a stand-alone mike or a headset? Also, can you please repeat what you said about the 16 kilometer distance. Is that how far you have to travel to your work?

Talk to soon,

TOEIC listening, photographs: A bonfire[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Sahid,
It’s me once again here to give you a special note of thanks for your answer in the recorded format.

(now in NEPAL)

PS: Actually, my system’s multimedia wasn’t set up properly. I will try it again later. I ad-libbed; it was very late at night.

Hello Torsten,
Thanks a lot for your feedback. Yes, you did pronounce my name correctly. My system’s multimedia wasn’t set up properly. That’s why the quality of sound was poor. The next time, I will adjust it correctly and record my voice (for the upload).
Regarding your question, I meant to say that…" there’s a 16-hour of load shedding everyday in Nepal, 16 hours …so I hardly get access to the Internet & as soon as I get…" I think the rest is no problem for you.


PS: Doesn’t that 16 + hours of power outage sound horrible?
Reply requested. Thanks once again.

Hi Noren…

You spoke in that recording with a heavy accent and also the audio quality was not good. These are the reasons why Torsten interpreted your words ‘’[color=blue]sixteen hours’’ as ‘’[color=blue]sixteen kilometers’’.

If you are speaking in this manner to your suppliers/customers in business then a whole lot of chances are there for [color=blue]misunderstanding your vocal messages. You should be sharp and concise in your speech and at the same time making your words very clear.

Anyway, take good care in your next recordings.

Hi Noren,

Just a quick note to let you know that I don’t think you have a ‘heavy accent’. Sahid, how do you define ‘heavy accent’?

Many thanks and rumba nandri.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A man in a hardhat[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Sahid,
Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I will try my best the next time, speaking slowly and a bit louder.


Hello everybody,
This is my first voice recording here on the forum.
The online voice recorder is an exciting tool and I hope to hear from you soon.