MY Sat, need help

Well, I am proberly the dumbest person in here and I have a learning disability.

I have taken the sat examination twice and this was my better score, I know its HORRIBLE.

Critical Reading 370
Math 260
Writing 340

What should I do if I cant pass this SAT exam, I have already graduated high-school.

Please help.

Well I think I am the one who does not know about SAT completely nothing. Well I am living in Russia now before I was living in Tajikistan I would like to improve my English and also ofcourse I would like to have good scores I never took SAT or others just TOEFL about 8 times and my highest score was 563 :frowning: unfortunately I dont have any recources to improve it although some say for me that is enough I want to make it much better I hope some of you will be so kind to reply or write me an e-mail will be glad thanks

Hi desert_soldier,

First of I must apalogize for writing back to this late, sorry. I hope you are still using to internet to communicate with others and find answers to your questions.

Regarding your skills, could you please tell what kind of learning disability you have? I think you have everything you need to improve your SAT results. You might wonder what makes me so confident, after all, I don’t know you (yet). Well, you have made the effort to go online and find a place where you might get advice and support. You have mustered the energy to post your qustion here. That’s a great start, istn’t it?

Now, to improve your SAT scores we have to develop some type of action plan.

In order to do that I need a litte more information about yourself. What are you interested in? I’m not only referring to school subjects, just to life in general. What do you like doing in your free time?

Hope to hear back sooner than I replied to you.

TOEIC listening, photographs: A damaged building[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Madina,

Welcome to our forum, it’s good to have you around. Could you please tell us why you want to improve your English? And why do you want to learn more about the SAT?

Talk to you soon,

TOEIC listening, photographs: A snowmobile[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi again.thank you very much for answering.well I am 15 years old and I have finished high school in Tajikistan I know 4languages now tajik turkish russian and english well I have been studying english from 5th grade with a tutor and started to like it a lot then I had to stop because I entered russian olimpiad so now I am on my way to forget.Where I leave there is no books available and not a lot of people know what SAT is. But still I was inspired by my tacher to go on studying I can study all the time al my free time but I have no recource What would you suggest to me?

Hi Madina,

Your English tutor obviously did an excellent job and you I’m sure you will be able to develop your language skills even further. You said you where you live there are no books available. But you live in St. Petersburg, don’t you? I’m quite sure that you can find good book stores or libraries there. In addition you can use the Internet which gives you access to a wealth of information.
For example, you can start your program by checking how well you know the SAT vocabulary:

Let me know what you think.


TOEIC listening, photographs: Old vehicles[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thanks for answering.I am new here and I cant find things that I need and people aroud are getting mad when I start askind about SAT or sth. so now I downloaded about 50 tests saT ACT and TOEFL and now I heve got a lot of things to do.If some of you have some advices or sth would be glad to recieve them. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds good Madina, keep us up to date and posted. By the way, the word advice exists only in the singular forum. Also, please check the spelling of the word receive.


TOEIC listening, photographs: A tractor at the beach[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi !How u’re doin’ Torsten?It took so much time to check my spelling of the word receive and sing. form of word advice that I had to be gone for a while!saying the truth I didn’t have time to study eng last two weeks I was just wandering around but now I am going to start seriously from Mon. so I bought new English story book O Henry’s Short stories and I am going to print loads of tests from PC and write about 3-4 sentences for every unknown word I have about a billion and one of unknown words!do u think this will be enough?

Hi Madina, great to see you back on the forum. You seem to be quite serious about your SAT preparation. Just a couple of pointers:

  • Please check the spelling of the personal pronouns "I" and "you". ('i' and 'u' only exist in 'chat slang', not in SAT English)
  • Please start every sentence with a captial letter.
  • Listen to authentic English sources every single day and post a short summary here: [url=]30/30 Challenge[/url] [size=75][/size]
  • Read Alan's story about how to use the English articles: [url=]Articles in English[/url] [size=75][/size]
Let me know what you think. Regards, Torsten[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: The oil refinery[YSaerTTEW443543]