My name's Sheri. I would like very much to meet new friends

hello everyone.
I’m new here. But I would like very much to meet new friends. maybe learn other languages other that English.
I’m an English professor. I’ve been teaching for so long and yet. I know I need to update my activities inside the classroom. this is one cool place you’ve got here. .I’ll be seeing you all around.

Welcome, sheri!
Pleased to meet you! I’m already one of your friends! :smiley: Please, tell me in what direction you teach? What English subjects?

Hi Sheridan,

And welcome to I hope that you’ll find our website both useful and fun. I’m also looking forward to talking to you in the “What do you want to talk about?”-forum.

All the best to you.

Hello sheri…

You’re welcome :smiley:

and could you accept me a new friend ?
:smiley: :smiley:

Hope you a great day


Thanks for the welcome Herc. .and the offer of friendship. .
so are you also an English enthusiast?

Hello Pamela,
Iam handling basic grammar for the tertiary level. I also have Refresher Courses on English Proficiency with the professional level. Majority of times too, I’m out providing seminar-workshops for elementary teachers. .also refresher courses on English Proficiency.
My real problem though is my college students - how I could encourage them to have confidence in speaking the language. I believe that the root of the problem lies in their very weak childhood English foundation. I’m really out of my wits right now. .

Yes… and I think it’s a great challenge for me …

my goal in English not be interpreter or be English native , but I would be at least person who could understanding English …
do you know that … my English skills was so bad .but I don’t think it is now and I know that I need to do more and work to achieve my aim…
could you tell me some thing a bout you !!

Best wishes


Really an actual problem and I faced it as well. But I’m sure not all of your students are the same. I hope some of them are eager for learning English.Anyway, every student requires a certain approach :smiley: And I’m sure you’ll manage to solve this problem though it’s not an easy task.

hello again Herc,
We’ll I’m an English professor. . a college dean. . actually. .
I also provide seminar-workshops to elementary teachers and professionals . .
I’m sure you will do fine with your English “studies”. .JUst keep on practicing and you’ll do great. .What else would you wanna know? What about you? Tell me something more about you. .

hey Pamela,
If I’m goin to use pictures and visuals at all times when teaching English (I use visuals in very limited occasions), do you think I won’t look stupid? You know college students. .sometimes they would not want to be regarded as small kids. . What do you think?
