Much volcanic activity occurs in places where the Earth’s tectonic plates meet, such as in the Ring of Fire that borders the Pacific Ocean

  1. Many volcanic activity occurs in places where the Earth’s tectonic plates meet, such as in the Ring of Fire that borders the Pacific Ocean.

Why much instead of many? Please help.


You need ‘much activity’ here because the subject ‘volcanic activity’ is singular.

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Many is for countable nouns.
Much is for uncountable nouns.

Volcanic activity is not countable, so you would use much.

How much cake will you eat?
How many cookies will you eat?

It’s similar to fewer and less. Fewer is countable and less is uncountable.

I will eat less cake.
I will eat fewer cookies.


Thank you well understood.

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Thank you for the explanation and examples. I’ll use this for my future reference to further my knowledge.

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