Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded

Dear Kitos,
Thanks for your help~

Topic:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people being punished.

When we watch movies or televisions, there are always some good people and bad people in the programs. Some people insist that good people should always be rewarded and bad people should always be punished. However, good or bad is a really subjective judgement. I strongly disagree with the statement from the outset. Following are some reasons to illustrate my viewpoint.

First of all, there is no absolute standard to distinguish good or bad. Good or bad is a really subjective judgement depends on one’s own experience. For example, there is a teacher in my favorite movie, Harry Potter, always arouses a lot of discussion that he is a good guy or a bad guy. Every person has their own opinion so it is really hard for the producer to please all audiences.

In the second place, the producer should leave some rooms for audience to judge right from wrong by themselves. Watching movies and televisions is a kind of good way for people to develop their own ability of judgement. Personally, I like the movies that leave some clues for audiences to imagine the following plots.

Last but not least, in the real world, some people do not end up as the public’s wish. Leave some good people are not be rewarded and bad people are not be punished is much closer to the real world. Therefore, we won’t feel the movies and television programs are all like fairy tales that appears so unrealistic.

In conclusion, there is no worldwide standard for people to tell good or bad. In addition, people can judge a thing on their own. Moreover, leaving some good people and bad people not being treated properly makes the shows more believable. As a result, I don’t think movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people being punished.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a student and a university service representative

Dear Kitos,
Thanks for your encouragement =)