Most experiences that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons

Good evening Teacher, thanks a lot for checking my essay.
Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Do you agree or disagree?

   At some time in the middle of the long road of life, we find ourselves in a vicious circles of numerous difficult experiences, and it seems too hard for us to get over. However, with the passing of time, we will come down to realize that they are all precious lessons for each of us later on.

    Actually, we learn hard our lessons from the very first beginning of our being aware of the world around. That is the lesson of bravery to willingly cope with huge challenges; the lesson of  determination to overcome big obstacles; the lesson of a good decision-maker and a wise problem-solver when being on the horns of dilemma; the lesson of hard working after failing an important exam due to not trying enough; the lesson of persistence when achieving success after continuous failures; the lesson of carefulness  when making remiss and costly mistakes; and the lesson of confidence when standing up strong during the darkest days, etc. All of these lessons have been drawn throughout  hard times, when we sometimes feel like falling off by the wayside. Nevertheless, strength within ourselves helps us sail through troubles, ending up being wiser and more mature.

     Nonetheless, we do not only learn our lessons by going through a tough patch, but also from the seemingly simplest things in daily life. The tender, loving care of our mothers teaches us how to look after our own family in the future. The dedication of our committed teachers teaches us to live not for ourselves, but for people surrounding. Cards, greetings from friends bring home to us the importance of [i][being thoughtful and considerate ][/i](can you please replace this by a noun phrase?). Being aware of the fact that there are countless numbers of  the poor, the disable makes us realize how lucky we are, and grateful for what we are having, valuing the things that we often take for granted. Obviously, there are many points well worth learning, as long as we are watchful and observant enough.

All things considered, in every difficulty there is always a noteworthy lesson that are extremely valuable for our future lives,showing us how to improve ourselves. However, opening our mind to the outside world, we can also learn a lot from seemingly trivial matters.

Oh, I really tried hard with this one, I wrote, deleted 4 times, I also made reference to essay of others, but it did not help much. And I still found it unsatisfactory. This is the best I could do. You may be tired with it.

TOEFL listening lectures: What happened at the Potsdam Conference?

Good evening Teacher, thanks a lot for checking my essay.
Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Do you agree or disagree?

   At some time in the middle of the long road of life, we find ourselves in a vicious circle of numerous difficult experiences, and they seem too hard for us to get over. However, with the passing of time, we will come to realize that they are all precious lessons for each of us later on.

    Actually, we learn hard our lessons from the very first beginning of our being aware of the world around us. That is the lesson of bravery to be willingly cope with huge challenges; the lesson of  determination to overcome big obstacles; the lesson of a good decision-maker and a wise problem-solver when being on the horns of dilemma; the lesson of hard working after failing an important exam due to not trying hard enough; the lesson of persistence when achieving success after continuous failures; the lesson of carefulness  when making remiss and costly mistakes; and the lesson of confidence when standing up strong during the darkest days, etc. All of these lessons have been drawn throughout  hard times, when we sometimes feel like falling by the wayside. Nevertheless, strength within ourselves helps us sail through troubles, ending up being wiser and more mature.

     Nonetheless, we do not only learn our lessons by going through a tough patch, but also from the seemingly simplest things in daily life. The tender, loving care of our mothers teaches us how to look after our own family in the future. The dedication of our committed teachers teaches us to live not for ourselves, but for people surrounding us. Cards, greetings from friends bring home to us the importance of being thoughtful and considerate . Being aware of the fact that there are countless numbers of poor people, the disabled make us realize how lucky we are, and makes us grateful for what we we have, valuing the things that we often take for granted. Obviously, there are many points well worth learning, as long as we are watchful and observant enough.

All things considered, in every difficulty there is always a noteworthy lesson that is extremely valuable for our future lives, showing us how to improve ourselves. However, opening our mind to the outside world, we can also learn a lot from seemingly trivial matters.

Well I thought it was very good.

Kitos. 8.5/10

At some time in the middle of the long road of life, we find ourselves in a vicious circle[s] of numerous difficult experiences, and [it seems] THEY SEEM too hard for us to get over. However, with the passing of time, we will come [down] to realize that they are all precious lessons for each of us later on.

    Actually, we learn hard our lessons from the very first beginning of our being aware of the world around US. That is the lesson of bravery to  willingly cope with huge challenges; the lesson of  determination to overcome big obstacles; the lesson of a good decision-maker and a wise problem-solver when being on the horns of dilemma; the lesson of hard working after failing an important exam due to not trying HARD enough; the lesson of persistence when achieving success after continuous failures; the lesson of carefulness  when making remiss and costly mistakes; and the lesson of confidence when standing up strong during the darkest days, etc. All of these lessons have been drawn throughout  hard times, when we sometimes feel like falling off by the wayside. Nevertheless, strength within ourselves helps us sail through troubles, ending up being wiser and more mature.

     Nonetheless, we do not only learn our lessons by going through a tough patch, but also from the seemingly simplest things in daily life. The tender, loving care of our mothers teaches us how to look after our own family in the future. The dedication of our committed teachers teaches us to live not for ourselves, but for people surrounding US. Cards, greetings from friends bring home to us the importance of being thoughtful and considerate. Being aware of the fact that there are countless numbers of [s][ the][/s] poor PEOPLE, the disableD makes us realize how lucky we are, and MAKES US grateful for what we [s][are having][/s] HAVE, valuing the things that we often take for granted. Obviously, there are many points well worth learning, as long as we are watchful and observant enough.

All things considered, in every difficulty there is always a noteworthy lesson that are extremely valuable for our future lives, showing us how to improve ourselves. However, opening our mind to the outside world, we can also learn a lot from seemingly trivial matters.

Thank you T.Kitos. You must be tired today…uhm in fact, every day …with our essays…Hope they do not affect your ever-good health.