Modal verbs: must/have to

I m a boi and I’m from Vietnam.
I began to learn English and now, I have many problem.
So I wanna ask if you know:
What’s the difference among:
must, have, must have done, had to, would rather, may, ought, should, should have one … anfd many more

Thank you.

Dear Luvma1s,

Please read this first: [b][url][/url][/b]

The verbs you are referring to are called modal verbs.

You can use have to in the past, present and future to express responsibility or necessity.

Here are some examples:

We have to work hard if we want to succeed.
She had to help her mother in the kitchen yesterday.
They will have to make arrangements in advance.
Does he have to attend the meeting?

You can use must to express something that you or a person feels is necessary. This form is used only in the present and future.

Here are some examples:

I must finish this essay before I go on holiday.
Must you work so hard?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Riding horses[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thanks for answering me
You know, now, I have a better knowledge in this problem.

Can you tell me, what’s the difference:

This snake is poisonous


This apple is posoned.


A poisonous snake can kill people with its poison because it produces the poison itself.
A poisoned apple had been edible before but someone added poison to it on purpose. Now, you can get in trouble when you eat the apple but the apple.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Working with an ox[YSaerTTEW443543]

can you arrange these word to make a sentence ? I think its very hard:

I/ school/ everyday/ was/ to/ when/ managed/ brief/ illness/ so/ to/ a/ alone/ returned/ sent/ because of/ to/ perioed/ I/ my/ early/ and/ bed/ get

Thank you for solving this problem

Hi again,

What is your proposal as to the word order of this sentence? Learning by doing is most effective, just try it out.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A girl on an elevator[YSaerTTEW443543]


You know, this sentece is very hard. Altough I tried all my best but I can not finish this. So I wondered if you can help me. This sentence is very dificult



can u please inform me when i can use “must” and when i can use “have to”?

the same with “can” and “be able to”

thanks in advance


Please read must vs. have to and can vs. able to.

Also, it would be great if you could follow some of the basic rules of the English language. For more information, please read this: … ing_skills

Many thanks,

TOEIC listening, question-response: How soon can you finish taking inventory?[YSaerTTEW443543]