Meaning of "wearing many hats"

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-41 “Talking through his hat”, question 10

In his present job there are so many different responsibilities involved that he has to several hats.

(a) take
(b) put
(c) wear
(d) dress

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-41 “Talking through his hat”, answer 10

In his present job there are so many different responsibilities involved that he has to wear several hats.

Correct answer: (c) wear

Your answer was: n/a

" to wear several hats" means “to undertake much work”. Am I right?
thank you

Yes, that’s what it means in a sense - doing a lot of work. It suggests that the person wearing many hats has a lot of different responsibilities and with each change of hat almost becomes a different person.