Meaning of "W"!?

Our Boss wrote me a mail like" We have a winner in English.
The name starts with W !!..Please expalin what he was trying to convey.



The winner’s name begins with the letter ‘W’. The boss is giving everyone a hint as to who won.

Regarding your question, hope Alan will help you. Who is that winner? :smiley: I pricked up my ears :smiley:

Swami, your boss might have been simply giving you a hint (as MM said) or your boss might have been referring to a specific person who is known as “W” (pronounced “Dubya”). George W. Bush is well-known for his “Bushisms” and has recently become the talk of the town once again because he was overheard saying the word “sh*t”.


Hi Swami

Do you think there might be a third or even a fourth possible explanation? What do you think your boss was trying to say?



May be he would like to convey the word “WIN”.


Does your name start with W by any chance :slight_smile: ?