meaning of "surgery room"

English Grammar Error, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #20 [color=blue]“Singular vs. Plural Nouns”, question 6

There were several clients sitting in the surgery waiting to see the doctor.

(a) clients
(b) surgery
(c) see

English Grammar Error, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #20 [color=blue]“Singular vs. Plural Nouns”, answer 6

There were several patients sitting in the surgery waiting to see the doctor.

Correct entry: patients
The error was: (a) clients

You have [color=red]not found the error.
There were several clients sitting in the surgery room waiting to see the doctor.

I would disagree, it could be that the clients of hospital were waiting to talk to the doctor in his surgery room, so we can have the entry of clients also.


Yes, you’re right, but just in theory. In the tests are given standard occurrences, not exceptions. Besides doctors and hospitals have patients, not clients.

Welcome to English-test.Net, romesh. What precisely is a ‘client’ of a hospital?

Somebody who wants to get served by the hospital’s staff.

That would be a patient.