meaning of match speculations on demand and competitive trends

Hello everyone

I’d like to ask about the meaning of “match speculations on demand and competitive trends”

Next is the market share growth stage during which time deliberate efforts are undertaken to expand a sending country’s market share. This presupposes that a sending country has the means of determining its share of the market and to what extent it can expand its participation in that market. Data on the international labour migration market is highly deficient and grossly inadequate. Gut-feel measures may at times be necessary in order to at least estimate one’s competitive standing and match speculations on demand and competitive trends. A more scientific data gathering technique and ways of interpreting data are covered below.

My own understanding is as follows:

One should think in advance about what situation in the labor market might be in the future and should be ready/prepared to meet certain requirements regarding demand and competition trends, i.e. which professions and skills will be needed in the market etc.

Am I correct?

match speculations on demand and competitive trends = equal guesses about demand for products and the general directions that competition is taking (i.e becoming stronger/weaker, etc).

I see no direct reference to the labor market, which seems in the text to be derivative only.

Thank you very much, Mister Micawber.