meaning of 'Let's get that trip ticket started.'

This is from the Prison Break Season 4 Episode 8:

Don Self, agent of Homeland Security, went to the Federal Impound Lot and told the officer, Phil, that he needed a car for a stakeout. After chit-chat, Phil cut it short and said:

'Hey, uh, let’s get that trip ticket started.’

followed that with:

‘Looks like I can hook you up with a Sedan for your stakeout.’

I’m not sure about the meaning of ‘get that trip ticket started’

Does it like ‘let’s start to find out the right car that match your need’ ???

Please suggest the right meaning in this context, as well as the appropriate usage of it in other situations.


A trip ticket is something US government employees have to fill out when they use a government vehicle.

It’s to make sure they don’t use the vehicle for getting donuts or taking girls to the drive-in movies, etc.

Thanks a bunch Charliep,

Now I understand the true meaning of ‘trip ticket’ in this episode’s context.