Meaning of integrate

Meaning of integrate

The budget process encourages the various sections of an organization to work together and integrate their efforts to influence the formulation of parts of the budgets

And how often did I tell you it is please and not pl.?

pl. is short for plural, and that doesn’t make any sense, now, does it?

in·te·grate (nt-grt)
v. inte·grat·ed, inte·grat·ing, inte·grates

  1. To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify.

a. To join with something else; unite.
b. To make part of a larger unit: integrated the new procedures into the work routine.
a. To open to people of all races or ethnic groups without restriction; desegregate.
b. To admit (a racial or ethnic group) to equal membership in an institution or society.
4. Mathematics
a. To calculate the integral of.
b. To perform integration on.
5. Psychology To bring about the integration of (personality traits).
To become integrated or undergo integration.

Dear Shyone

Your correction :how often did I tell you it is please and not pl.?
In future I won’t make this mistake please

  1. To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify.

Very good answer. Thank you very much for it