Meaning of haste

hi Alan,

i hope you don’t mind but i have found a misspelling.

English Language Proficiency Tests, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #48 [color=blue]“Speed”, question 10

I appreciate your hard work but sometimes you’re so fast that you miss the details and I think it’s a case of more less speed.

(a) hurry
(b) hasty
(c) haste
(d) hurried

English Language Proficiency Tests, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #48 [color=blue]“Speed”, answer 10

I appreciate your hard work but sometimes you’re so fast that you miss the details and I think it’s a case of more haste less speed.

Correct answer: (c) haste

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
I appreciate your hard work but sometimes you’re so fast that you miss the details and I think it’s a case of more hasty less speed.

test 48, question 10
I apprectiate your hard work but sometimes you’re so fast that you miss the details and I think it’s a case of more haste less speed.

and that: shouldn’t it be " who believes"?

test 48, question 7
He’s one of the get rich quick fraternity who believe in making money as quickly as possible.


hi alan,

thank you very much for your explanation.


Hi Judith,

Many thanks for pointing out the typo for 'appreciate. Your other point about ‘believe’ I think needs some further explanation. It’s all right to use a plural after a singular subject when that noun is considered to be plural in meaning. Here ‘fraternity’ means people belonging to that particular group.

Thanks again


Hi Karla,

Haste has the sense of hurry often used in a figurative sense and suggesting doing something quickly often without thinking as in:

He ran out of the room and in his haste he forgot to take his car keys with him.
