Make phrases by adding prepositions: start up, start off, fall out, fall off,...

how these types of phrases are made by adding some prepostions?? like: start up, start off, fall out, fall off, put in, put out, keep out, stand out…etc etc.( i think list is endless) How can i make out what their meaning is??? I mean i want to know how one should deal with these kinds of phrases when he does not know its meaning because in some phrases it is very difficult to make sense and how can i learn to make these kinds of phrases.

consider the phrase “to put up with”. its meaning is to bear. It is difficult to make out its meaning. Suggest some ways to use them and make their meanings…tell me some tacts so that i can use them because they are simple in speaking. send me suggestiOnS to my e mail id AJAY.DG22@GMAIL.COM

Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary

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Hi Milanya, u did not explain how to make sense of these phrasial verbs intead u have given me list of these kinds of phrases. Tell me whether there is any tact by which one can make sense

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[color=darkred]Each phrase in this dictionary is a hyperlink. If you click on a phrase the definition (meaning) of it will open.

In addition to that:
Phrasal Verbs as Idioms

Phrasal verbs are compound verbs (more than one word) that result from combining a verb with an adverb or a preposition. The resulting compound verb is idiomatic (e.g. its meaning cannot be derived from the dictionary meaning of its parts). For instance, “take back” is a phrasal verb consisting of the verb “take” and the adverb “back.” As a phrasal verb, its meaning becomes “to retract a statement,” (I take back my comment on the discussion.), which cannot be derived solely by combining the dictionary meanings of the original verb and adverb.

Such phrasal verbs are the main way new verbs enter the English language. They usually begin in casual speech where they become part of our everyday vocabulary and eventually become recognized as acceptable standard usage.

But because their meanings are idiomatic, there is no logical pattern or formula for learning them. And to make matters worse, many phrasal verbs have more than one idiomatic meaning. For instance, “take back” can also mean to return merchandise for a refund. (John went to the mall to take back the sweater he bought).

The difficulty in learning phrasal verbs is two-fold, the unpredictability of their idiomatic meaning and the rules describing how they may be entered into the rest of the sentence. For the first difficulty, only two solutions exist—memorizing the phrases and immersing yourself in the English language.

TIP: A good strategy for memorizing phrasal verbs is to make flash cards of phrases that you come across. You can write the phrase on one side of the card and draw or cut out a picture that depicts the phrase on the back of the card. Flash cards are very useful and can prove to be very successful.

Always remember that there can be several different idiomatic meanings for just one phrasal verb.

For the second difficulty, there are several different solutions depending on the construction of the phrasal verb. First of all, it is important to know that phrasal verbs can either be transitive (the verb takes a direct object) or intransitive (the verb cannot take a direct object).

Transitive phrases are those that can take a direct object. Some transitive verbal phrases are separable. That is, the verb can be separated from the preposition by a direct object. If the direct object is a noun it may or may not come between the verb and the preposition; however, if the direct object is a pronoun, it must come between the verb and the preposition.

There are no rules for helping you to determine which transitive phrases are inseparable; you just have to memorize them. In these cases the verb and the preposition or adverb cannot be separated by the direct object.

Intransitive phrases are those that do not take a direct object and cannot be separated.

Transitive, Separable
As stated earlier, in some transitive phrases the verb can be separated from the preposition or adverb so that a noun or pronoun (the direct object) can be inserted between them.

For Example: All three of these sentences are correct.

  1. Can you add up the total in your head?

*In this sentence, you see that the phrase is not separated. The direct object comes after the phrase “add up”.

  1. She added it up in her head.

*In this sentence the phrase is separated by the direct object, it, which is a pronoun. Because the direct object is a pronoun, it must come between the verb and the preposition.

  1. She added the total up in her head.

*In this sentence you see that the phrase is separated by the direct object, the total, which is a noun. The direct object comes between the verb and the preposition.

Transitive, Inseparable
Remember that some prepositions cannot be separated because they are required by certain verbs for a specific meaning. If these words were to be separated, it would change the idiomatic meaning of the phrase.

For Example:

  1. Although Jason has been very ill this year and has missed a lot of school, he does not want to drop out of school.

** For this sentence to keep its idiomatic meaning, to quit school, the phrase cannot be separated.

Intransitive, Never Separable
Some verb phrases are intransitive which means that they cannot take a direct object. These verbs can never be separated from the preposition.

For Example:


  1. Sean began to catch on after he read the directions several times. (“Directions” is the direct object of the verb- read, not the object of the verb “catch on.”)

  2. Sean began to catch on to the directions. (“Directions” is the object of the preposition to, it is not the direct object of the sentence.

Please explain the difference between
(A) start up
(B) start out
© start with
(D) start over
with example also.
Thank you.

If you scroll down the page to the phrasal verbs here:
oxfordadvancedlearnersdictio … tart_1__95

you will find the definitions and some examples of each.