Make America 🇺🇸 Great Britain again?

It just occurred to me that Donald might have chosen the tagline Make America :us: Great Again (aka MAGA) for his previous presidential campaign because he was envy of the British who in the official title of their country always have carried the attribute ‘great’ and now with Boris Johnson becoming top dog will even live up to it? What are the chances of Great Britain annexing the United States forcing the Americans to start speaking proper English again?


The chances are very, very dim though you have inserted Britain after ‘Great’!

By the way,Torsten, why do you say to start speaking proper English again?

Did Americans speak proper English in the beginning? Aren’t they speaking acceptable English now while many AmE terms remain recognized by BrE?


Well, rumor has it that Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page are going to establish a new state together called ‘Falphabet’ and part of its territory will be South England as well as Yorkshire County. Their currency will be the Libra and they are still looking for someone who wants to be nominated as their king :crown:. There are still lots of details to hammered out but one thing is for sure: The nation’s official language will be Yorkshire English with a few words from other languages worked into it. I’ve already applied for citizenship and hope to get an invitation to the interview in Mountain View next week.


You do stand a good chance! All the best, Torsten.:smile:


The very thought of Boorish Johnson becoming P M fills me with horror.


Hi Alan, this message of yours now makes even more sense than it did back in summer last year.


I despair, I despair. Possibly we have a good Health Secretary but Johnson is no leader and you can see the terror in his eyes. Cometh the hour, cometh the man, they say but it hasn’t happened yet.


I understand, Alan. Boris Johnson is a member of the Conservative Party and I think he believes that the ideas of Margaret Thatcher are still of paramount importance. I’m trying to make a website about this woman, who is undeniably an icon of Britain, but the more I read about her, the more I dislike her.