Mad Meter!

Let’s be honest, Mr. Smartatic:

You wouldn’t have time for 100.000 girls in your whole life, because you have to catch kangaroos, ostriches and who knows what else … crocodiles?
Anyway, 10 bucks …?!

Honestly speaking, we’re in the electronic era. I can do it just like that. No joke.

Yes, 10 bucks the highest ( ceiling price ). No jokes.

Have fun!

Have I said 'I’ve got a crocodile to catch yet? If not, sank you for your precursor.

You killed me this time with your “sank you” :-))))
I don’t think I can react anymore.

I’ll need some time to recover…

I the mean time, be careful to that croco! when they’re hungry, they go mad and crunch people “just like that”! and then, bye bye hundred girls …

Therefore, it would be better if you caught something else … but what? do they have turtles there?


As I had to do case histories of my mentally disabled pupils, who were sometimes not only mentally disabled but they have some ‘madity’ and we had to give an opinion on your
illnesses. So I learned to listen to my behaviour and I could detect my ‘madity’. I learned how to control my behaviour. The problem was that I made my ‘madity’ and afterwords I could analyze why I made it.I found the key to my medity, but it was late. How to rectify it?
I found a question this question.
Before I die I want to ………………………………………………………………
This question set me thinking because I wanted to answer it honestly. The first thought was nothing, I want to do nothing after I realized an answer what I could do with pleasure if it was possible.So I answered:
Before I die I would like be at peace with those who I offended unintentionally.(because of my medity)

You spoke about the zero.I never understand how is possible that every number to the zero power is one I accepted it as an axiom, but never understood and understand why is any number raised to the zero power equal to one?

Bye: Kati

You spoke about the zero.I never understand how is possible that every number to the zero power is one I accepted it as an axiom, but never understood and understand why is any number raised to the zero power equal to one?<<<

Me neither, sometimes blokes are too complicated , ain’t they?

Before I die I would like be at peace with those who I offended unintentionally.<<<

When I was young I punched people for nothing, but out of my madity. Poor blokes then. Still pity for them.

Have fun!

Crocs huh?

We use their teeth as toothpicks. Skins as waterproof. We have pouring rains here.

Turtles eh?

We flatten their carapaces with heavy rollers and use them as fans, too hot up here in Burma we say.

Have fun!

100,000 girls huh eh? They can wait.

Sank you sank you for pulling my IQ back down. I mean it.

Since my IQ is closely related to my madity. lol.
I can’t think or talk big big things, you know.

Mr. Kyaw you put a bee on my bonnet and I began to search on the Google. These question- what you asked and what I asked they are connected with each other.
What you put it to me and what I put it to you, these questions not only for us questions, but for the mathematicians more hundreds years ago they have been begun to debate about it.

You:I never understood and understand why is any number raised to the zero power equal to one?<<<
Me:I never understand how is possible that every number to the zero power is one

I found an explanation which don’t use ‘this is an axiom’, but it says is a convention. which means that we have to accept without thinking.

So if I didn’t understand till now I won’t understand after this. I am not interested in it any more. To tell the truth this question occurred to me now when I read about zero in your letters , and the last time when I wanted to be a mathematics teacher.

Or it is an axiom, or a convention we hadn’t been cleverer.

Raising a power:=.Exponentiation

bn ;b is the base; n is an exponent(or index or power)

Powers of zero
1.If the exponent is zero, some authors define 00 = 1,-IT IS INTERESTING!
10 = 1/ means 1x0=1 /here 0 is the exponent, not 10 they wrote a very big 0/
20 = 1/ means 2x0=1

Powers of two
If the exponent is 2 we speak about squaring it means multiplying a number by itself. It is OK.
52=5x5= 25

Power of three
we speak about cube
53 = 5x·5x5 is called (five cubed) =125

It is very suspect :some authors define…so not every authors…?

But this isn’t ME who will resolve this problem.

You received an answer every nonzero number (1,2,3, STB) raised to the zero power equals to 1. They decided 1 they could have decided equals to 2 etc. This as agreement, but not a convention/axiom and the other mathematicians don’t argue against it.


The amazing thing about a zero is that (s)he has no rough edges; no distinctive features that would make him or her stand out. To the zero, it’s a blessing and a curse.



What I do know is it that once I meet the one, I will have zero power. And that’s a positive definite which can be multiplied by infinity.


I thought of an explanation, I found one, but I won’t tell it because when I googled the subject I found a better one which I want to share with you.
Strictly Mathematically, we really can calculate any number raised to the power zero, if we consider a number, for example number 2, raised consecutive to the power 4,3,2,1, we find a rule, then apply it to power 0. Look:

2**4 = 222*2

23 = 222 = (24)/2

22 = 2*2 = (23)/2

21 = 2 = (22)/2

Therefore, we can conclude that 2n=[2(n+1)]/2

… and the next one in this backward series of exponents (4,3,2,1) is zero, for which we can write, logically, the same structure:

20 = [2(0+1)]/2 = (2**1)/2 = 2/2 = 1. Easy, isn’t it?

Now, we can replace ‘2’ with any other number and the result will be ‘1’ always.

Is it OK or not?

Hello Monica,

If I didn’t open my laptop I would go to bed. I think this is the first day that I didn’t write anything on the I understand this:

but every number n1=n you wrote 2;/ 31=3;/4**1=4/etc

I don’t understand the exponent ‘n’ how changed (n+1) in your example.

for example number 2, raised consecutive to the power 4,3,2,1, we find a rule, then apply it to power 0. Look:

2**4 = 222*2

23 = 222 = (24)/2

22 = 2*2 = (23)/2

21 = 2 = (22)/2 = (2**1)/2 = 2/2 = 1

21=2 this is true
2=4as (21)1 it is also true; we can’t say that 22=(2**1)1 as if we say that 4 equal with 1.

So for me isn’t easy. I don’t wonder that mathematicians have been disputing about for more hundreds years. It is good that you found for the marking of the exponents this *.

Bye: Kati

Oh my, I can’t get back into the room yet. UFOs are 'all flying around. I can get hurt.

Have fun!

Hi, Kati

The bee went out of the bonnet, took a pencil and she’s been practicing powers all day:

Hi Monica,

It was worth the trouble that he/she went out of the bonnet. At first sight it seems logic. Maybe the bee is cleverer than the mathematicians who can’t get this mathematical problem sorted out, isn’t it?

Good night Monica:

Hi Monica and Kati,

the best way I remember that and understand why an exponent of 0 equals one is like this:

I substitute 10 for n.

10^4 = 10x10x10x10
10^3 = 10x10x10
10^2 = 10x10
10^1 = 10 (the exponent of 1 is just the number itself)
10^0 = 1 (the exponent of 0 is 1 because here we need to divide 10 by 10 which is 1)

We can then continue with negatives:

10^-1 = 0.1


Thank you for the bee, Monica! :smiley:

Reminds me a bit of Willy!


Hello Monica and Claudia,

By the time when I was surfing on the Google and I looked for the English equivalent of Hungarian mathematical expressions, Claudia also appeared on the scene. So I am writing both of you. So I founded that those who argue against this theorem they say that for the verification of this theorem they had to sacrifice the zero/0 as a number.
But see this link:
title: 0 (number)
So when we say in the same time 10=1-it is okay who support this rule
What would happen the 0 can be a number if its exponent would be 0 ?
But they have to declare that 0 isn’t a number: 0
0=0 because this would disapprove the rule that every number to the zero power is zero/0
If 0 can be a number when it is an exponent , why it can’t be a number if it is the base???
This rule is valid only if we accept that 0 can be a number and a numeric what-d’you-call-it.
So zero/0 HAS A DOUBLE IDENTITÉ??? I don’t wonder that more hundreds years there are mathematicians who can’t accept this explanation.

Good night: Kati

Almost I believed.

Come to think of it, math is a language, and it, too, has phrases. Zero power equals one is just another way of saying dividing a number by itself equals one.
