Life in UK Test (TOEIC preparation site) is a good site designed to help people who are about to take the ‘Life in the UK’ test conducted by the Home Office for their British citizenship application and also for the people who are applying for a settlement visa. Information is all free compared to various other sites…

You can test yourself with free questions for the test at

http…www…lifeinuktest…info is the FREE WEBSITE providing Life in the UK exam material and Life in the UK sample questions.
This seems to be quite a good test site - http…www…life…in…uk…test…info

I passed the test . I practised the questions on the net from a website

  1. Its is an absolutely free site. Most of the sites charge between £10 - £20
  2. You can practise chapter wise to make each chapter perfect.

I found it very useful. Have a go.
Good luck to all who are taking test.

You guys are worse tham me (smile) …