Lecture are both about certification of wood companies

Hey everyone! My name is Julia and i am currently preparing to take the toefl and i am writing an integrated essay. I woul be really happy if anyone could read it and give me feedback! I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

The reading and the lecture are both about certification to wood companies. The author of the article feels that it is unlikely that wood companies will do the process.The author of the reading presents three theories about this point. The lecturer disputes the claims made in the article. His position is that there’s an acceptable reason to think that wood companies will accept wood ecocertification.
According to the reading American costumers are usually presented to so much advertising that they would not appreciate or pay attention to the ecocertification. This specific argument is challenged by the lecture. He claims that American costumers deposit a lot of trust in independent consumer agencies . Additionally, he points ou that some americans that are ecologically minded will probably have a approbatory reaction.
Secondly, the author suggests that the ecocertification will cause the wood to higher the price. In the article, it is said that the costumers are likely to buy cheaper wood. The lecturer however , asserts that an specific price will determine the decision. He goes on to say that, costumers are buying products that are too high or too low.
Finally, the author posits that it’s not a convincing argument that it will make good business for American Companies and to get ahead from the rest of the world. The author contends that the market of American wood companies are all in the United States. In contrast,the lecture’s stance is that these companies should pay attentiobn in the business internationally. He notes that there’s a huge possibility that the costumers will be interested in ecocertified products.


What do you mean by ‘certification to wood companies’? Maybe ‘certification of wood companies’? I think you can certify specific technologies and processes and maybe entire companies but the term ‘wood ecocertification’ is very obscure. I don’t think it exists outside of the TOEFL world so why bother with it?

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The passage and the lecture talks about an international organization that started issuing certifications to wood companies that meet high ecological standards. There’s a passage and a lecture in one of the TOEFL writing practice questions, here’s the link if you want to read it: https://www.ets.org/toefl/test-takers/ibt/prepare/tests/writing/
I don’t understand your statement about specifying, the question says that I need to summarize the points made in the lecture!!

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I think ETS has created an artificial world to lock people like you in. Apparently, you are not interested in sharing your ideas and thoughts with other people. All you care about is your TOEFL score which is rather sad for a variety of reasons you fail to see.

How about you read Maryam’s essay and comment on it? Maybe you can learn something from her ideas?

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