Learning how to write sentences with the words friction, squeaky, mop and etc. Please advise

  1. I will usually say have a great day or have a good evening as a way of saying goodbye to customers.
  2. Have a great meal or have a great day are usually the phrases/scrips I will use to bid farewell to customer. ( can I say scripts or phrases ?).
  3. What should I say in my farewell phrases?
  4. What did he say in his goodbye message.
  5. It is difficult to mop a dirty floor because there are more frictions or less smooth due to the dirt and because of that you have a use more strength to slide/glide the mop across/over the floor.
  6. When the plate is extremely clean it will create squeaky sound and more friction when you slide your finger across due to the friction.

Are the above sentences correct? Please help.

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I usually say goodbye to my clients with the words “Have a nice day” or “Have a nice evening”.

Have a good meal or a nice day - these are usually the phrases I use to say goodbye to a customer.

What should I say in my parting phrases?

What did he say in his farewell message?

It is difficult to mop a dirty floor because there is more friction or the floor is less smooth due to the dirt, so you have to use more force to slide the mop across the floor.

When the plate is extremely clean, it produces a squeaking sound and more friction when you slide your finger over it because the friction is greater.

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Thanks for replying and correcting my mistakes . :slight_smile:

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