Launched a new campaign

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-3 “Credit Card Holders”, question 3

The animal rights organisation has a new campaign to make people aware of cruelty to animals.

(a) launched
(b) pursued
(c) offered
(d) ejected

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-3 “Credit Card Holders”, answer 3

The animal rights organisation has launched a new campaign to make people aware of cruelty to animals.

Correct answer: (a) launched

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
The animal rights organisation has pursued a new campaign to make people aware of cruelty to animals.

why pursued? Thanks

Pursued is incorrect; the answer is launched, meaning begun. The formal beginning of many projects and efforts are expressed with this word, which was earlier associated with ships:

The Titanic was launched in 1912.
A new IT company is launched somewhere in the world every 37 minutes