Last week work pressure!

Hi every one, past one week i would suffered my work pressure. Every day I could be leave only 2 am clock from my office and above. Also the last week-end, i committed by the university examinations. So i can’t concentrate health. Last sunday i spend more time with my family. it is simply relaxed for my mind. Every one should some spend a time in a week.

Thanks for your sharing. It just reminds me the days I spent on the the analytical writing preparation last semester. I do sleep in 3a.m or later everyday and get up in 8a.m or earlier. And it had been lasting for 50days. I had wasted 10 ponds during it as well as the skin problems and heart disease.

And it directly caused me to be unable to get to the bed before 3a.m now…the strange is…I really felt tough but the happiness were more filling in my brain. I guess it because the knowledge accumulating:)