Korean actress Oh In-hye has died after being found unconscious in her home on Monday (Sept. 14), according to multiple reports. She was 36 years old

Korean actress Oh In-hye has died after being found unconscious on Monday (Sep 14) in her home, according to multiple reports. She was 36.

Is “Oh In-hye has died after being found conscious” correct? Or should it be “Oh In-hye has died since being found unconscious” instead?



After is better in this sentence.

The two words are similar but not exactly the same. The word after implies the order of events. The word since implies something that is ongoing.

He ate the ice cream after finishing his meal.
He has not eaten ice cream since his doctor told him to lose weight.

You used conscious in one sentence and unconscious in the other. I don’t know if this was a typo, but either is correct. It’s a matter of fact, and has nothing to do with after vs since.

To complicate things…

This is a little tricky. Maybe one of the grammar people can explain it better. You could say:

“Oh In-hye was found unconscious last August. She has since died.”

This means she has died some time during that period of time, but does not give any indication when. More importantly, this does not necessarily mean that the two things are related. Whatever caused her to be found unconscious might not be related to her death.

If the two things are unrelated, it would be weird saying it that way. Due to the nature of the first event, it’s natural for a reader to think the two things are related, even though the wording does not say that.

Structurally the following is the same, but there is obviously no relation between the two events.

"Oh In-hye stared in Sin of a Family in 2011. She has since died.*


Korean actress Oh In-hye has died after being found unconscious in her home on Monday (Sept. 14), according to multiple reports. She was 36 years old.

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