Please help me explain what kind of the word “dress” is. Is it a verb? I think that because it is behind “to”.
Please tell me its grammatical structure.
Thanks very much.
" Kimono is to dress as kilt is to skirt."
Thanks a lot.
Please help me explain what kind of the word “dress” is. Is it a verb? I think that because it is behind “to”.
Please tell me its grammatical structure.
Thanks very much.
" Kimono is to dress as kilt is to skirt."
Thanks a lot.
Dress falls into many grammatical categories
It can be used as a noun, as in to wear a dress, as a verb (as in the example you gave yoursel), as an adjective, as in dress material. It depends on how you want to use it: if you use to dress, it is the verb, if without to - either noun or adjective…
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
Hi Mlngvt,
This is a special construction where you are making relative comparisons and so the word to in your sentence is really a shortened version of equivalent to.
In your sentence below:
Kimono is to dress as kilt is to skirt."
this means the relationship of a kimono to a dress is equivalent to the relationship of a kilt to a skirt.
Let me give you another example:
Cheese is to milk as wine is to grapes - in other words cheese is made from milk and wine is made from grapes.
Oops… :oops:
Dear teacher,
Is it right if I say that" Water is to cup as coffee is to mug."