Keeping the environment from harm

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Topic: A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

There has been a heated debate concerning the money should be invested in arts or the environment. In fact, there is a growing sentiment that puts more emphasis on the importance of giving some money to protect the environment. Nowadays, the polluting environment is a big concern for the government, all the people and so on. At the same time, there is a solid body of opinion that dislikes and powerfully thinks that the company should use that money to support the arts. In my opinion, I concur with the former for two primary reasons.

First of all, protecting the environment gives us a chance to slow down global warming. Deforestation adds carbon and carbon dioxide to the collection and absorption of heat, thus accelerating global warming by making the Earth warmer. The forest slows down this process because carbon dioxide is stored in the tree and also converts it to oxygen.

Secondly, the preferable reason is that environmental protection encourages better physical health. Now, our environment becomes dirtier because of air pollution from vehicles, factory….We and also the next generation has to live in that kind of bad condition that leads to many dangerous diseases. Therefore, the air quality found in the place with variety of trees can help us improve lung health and many recreational activities are also found there.

On the other side, some may argue that art is a new creation that should be supported, providing evidence that more than the natural environment, the art has great attraction for visitors. Besides, the art of bold aesthetics is one of the unique products that make tourism interesting and new. However, we cannot reach the conclusion that art plays an important role without considering concrete examples.

To sum up briefly, Earth is a huge ecosystem that deserves our protection. Without our environment, we will not be able to thrive as humans. Each of us must do our part to help protect the environment. If each of us is doing a part to help protect the environment for future generations, then we can turn around what has become a dangerous situation.