It would be a grave mistake for the U.S.

It would be a grave mistake for the U.S if they elect Hillary. The bloke said

Lady Gaga will be the next president of the USA.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Booking a flight to Vienna[YSaerTTEW443543]

Ya Ya Thorstein I think we all know not only who you would vote for given the chance but also “why” you would vote for her. :slight_smile:

IMO It has Grave implications for anyone living within range of American

Bombers/Drones. :frowning: as Killary is nothing more than a rubber faced puppet of MIC.

Well, actually my favorite candidate wasn’t even in the race so I’m afraid we will have to make do with one of the two options available. Also, I think you would be a great president but unfortunately you have decided to run your billion dollar empire instead of ruling America.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Talking about utility expenses[YSaerTTEW443543]

Like I said before Trump is like Al Gore (against Bush) just part of the show he is there to accept defeat even if he wins and is bought and paid for by the same powers that be.

… Even so

The presidential campaign has seen Donald Trump, once a Republican outsider, close the gap on Clinton before falling back after a series of controversies.

Trump has briefly pulled ahead a couple of times - first on 19 May. His polling threatened to consistently overtake Clinton in September, but has since fallen back after a series of allegations of sexual assault were made against him.

Trump is prone to making gaffes and alienating key demographic groups with his comments. His comments on sexually assaulting women, as well as poor performances in the presidential debates, had seen Clinton extend her lead.

However, with the news that the FBI is once again investigating Clinton, a lot could change between now and election day.

The New York Times has worked out that, even one day before previous elections, a simple polling average has differed from the final result by about four percentage points. With the polls being still close, anything could happen.

I think what will happen is that both Donald and Hillary are going to share the job 50/50. Donald will be president on the even and Hillary the uneven dates with Jamie acting as their mediator, translator, interpreter and adviser.

TOEIC short conversations: Trying to reach a co-worker on the phone