It is more important for students to study history, literature than math, science

It is more important for students to study history and literature than math and science?
From my point of view, history and literature are for recognizing and acquainting the past of humanity, while math and science are for determining our future. After pondering this issue from each occasion and based on John Kennedy’s saying “those people who look only to the past are certain to miss the future” I concluded that math and science are always more significant and influential than others.
First of all, in a large-scale for developing and improving mankind skilled scientists and mathematicians are required, it is applicable to the individuals, since they can have better future life by majoring in science or math. In other words, for one’s own benefits it is more important to educate science, since the best careers or jobs are based on this field. For example, which one would be better to live as an engineer or historian? Which one would live a comfortable and facile life? In addition to personal benefits, people must serve to their nations and societies. As a matter of fact, shortage of scientist and mathematicians must be alleviated, while abundance of historians cannot undertake the responsibilities and duties of a scientist.
Secondly, I cannot refute the idea that educating history and literature help students to broaden their views, which is significant in order to be more socialized. However, it is also obvious that sciences and math are keys to be more intelligent and literate. Which one is more required? I believe that with excessive logic and knowledge of science people can easily absorb the history and literature, since logic plays an important role in reciting papers and novels. Moreover, due to the highly developed technology, people can easily expand their horizon about cultures and people by travelling and communicating. It is more favorable and pleasant to talk with others, while desired knowledge will be acquired spontaneously.
To put my thoughts in a nutshell, to function for future and to increase intelligence, I believe that history and literature are useless and futile for a person; therefore math and science are superior to others.
i hope to write a good essay after integrated disasterrrr

TOEFL listening discussions: What is the main weakness of the student’s essay?

It is more important for students to study history and literature than maths and science? (Is this a statement or a question? Always check the intent of your title.)

From my point of view, history and literature are for recognizing and acquainting the past of humanity, while maths and science are for determining our future. After pondering this issue from each occasion and based on John Kennedy’s saying “those people who look only to the past are certain to miss the future” I concluded that maths and science are always more significant and influential than others.
First of all, in a large-scale for developing and improving mankind skilled scientists and mathematicians are required. It is applicable to the individuals, since they can have a better future life by majoring in science or maths. In other words, for one’s own benefits it is more important to be educated in science, since the best careers or jobs are based on this field. For example, which one would be better; to live as an engineer or an historian? Which one would live a comfortable and facile life? In addition to personal benefits, people must serve their nations and societies. As a matter of fact, the shortage of scientist and mathematicians must be alleviated, while an abundance of historians cannot undertake the responsibilities and duties of a scientist.
Secondly, I cannot refute the idea that educating history and literature help students to broaden their views, which is significant in order to their becoming more socialized. However, it is also obvious that sciences and maths are keys to their being more intelligent and literate. Which one is more required? I believe that with excessive logic and knowledge of science people can easily absorb history and literature, since logic plays an important role in reciting papers and novels. Moreover, due to the highly developed technology, people can easily expand their horizon about cultures and other people by travelling and communicating. It is more favorable and pleasant to talk with others, while desired knowledge will be acquired spontaneously.

To put my thoughts in a nutshell, to function for the future and to increase intelligence, I believe that history and literature are useless and futile for a person; therefore maths and science are superior to others.
I thought that you understood that TWO essays a day was your limit … apparently not.
Please do not exceed this quota or you will find your work being completely ignored. There are so many essays to be gotten through each day that TWO is your absolute limit.

Kitos. 8.5/10

oh … 2 essay a DAY … i didn’t understand this … sorry for posting more …i will erase the rest of them …

From my point of view, history and literature are for recognizing and acquainting the past of humanity, while math and science are for determining our future. After pondering this issue from each occasion and based on John Kennedy’s saying “those people who look only to the past are certain to miss the future” I concluded that math and science are always more significant and influential than others.
First of all, in a large-scale for developing and improving mankind skilled scientists and mathematicians are required,. it is applicable to the individuals, since they can have a better future life by majoring in science or math. In other words, for one’s own benefits it is more important to be educated in science, since the best careers or jobs are based on this field. For example, which one would be better to live as an engineer or a historian? Which one would live a comfortable and facile life? In addition to personal benefits, people must serve to their nations and societies. As a matter of fact, the shortage of scientist and mathematicians must be alleviated, while abundance of historians cannot undertake the responsibilities and duties of a scientist.
Secondly, I cannot refute the idea that educating history and literature help students to broaden their views, which is significant in order to become more socialized. However, it is also obvious that sciences and math are keys to their being more intelligent and literate. Which one is more required? I believe that with excessive logic and knowledge of science people can easily absorb the history and literature, since logic plays an important role in reciting papers and novels. Moreover, due to the highly developed technology, people can easily expand their horizon about cultures and other people by travelling and communicating. It is more favorable and pleasant to talk with others, while desired knowledge will be acquired spontaneously.
To put my thoughts in a nutshell, to function for the future and to increase intelligence. I believe that history and literature are useless and futile for a person; therefore math and science are superior to others.
(Is this a statement or a question? Always check the intent of your title.) i don’t know what was this… but i will look anymore …
AND if you can please check my latest essay Integrated essay about ZOo … since it is very important to me … anyway thanks a lot …