Is this a typo? (hold vs. told)

Test No. [color=blue]errors/advan-10 “Late at the Office”, question 6

She old Mary that her lateness was now outside a joke and she had to try very hard to get up earlier.

(a) lateness
(b) outside
(c) had to
(d) earlier

Test No. [color=blue]errors/advan-10 “Late at the Office”, answer 6

She old Mary that her lateness was now beyond a joke and she had to try very hard to get up earlier.

Correct entry: beyond
The error was: (b) outside

You have [color=green]found the error and your entry is [color=green]correct.

maybe a typo here?

Yes Richard,

You are right again. We’ll change old to told. Thanks for your pointing out.

TOEIC short conversations: Employee asks co-worker for his suggestions on booking conference venue.[YSaerTTEW443543]

“beyond a joke” what does it mean? thanks

I think it’s simple that: it’s not a joke