Is "that" optional?

Mr Heng added that “With the support, we should work together to tide over this very difficult period.” He pointed out that the Solidarity Payment is one the earliest measures to be introduced.

“I hope that this will provide some support, especially for our low-income families,” Mr Heng expressed.

  1. Is “that” in the first sentence optional?

  2. In “one the earliest measures to be introduced.”, is “of” missing from the phrase?



Hi Kohyoongliat,

I would rephrase your paragraphs as follows:

Mr. Heng added: ‘With this support, we should work together to tide over this difficult period.’ He pointed out that the Solidarity Payment was one of the earliest measures to be introduced.
‘I hope this will be heartening, especially for our low-income families.’ Mr. Heng expressed.

In sentence 1) ‘that’ is not optional, since it is direct speech, however…that the Solidarity Payment…here ‘that’ cannot be omitted.
In sentence 2) ‘of’ is missing from the phrase. Your instincts are correct.

Here you go.