Is accommodation countable or uncountable?


According to a number of resources the noun “accommodation” is uncountable. However, I often see the plural form “accommodations”, especially in online articles. So, is accommodation countable or uncountable?


TOEIC listening, photographs: Soldiers marching[YSaerTTEW443543]

It seems to be another one of those BrE v AmE things, Torsten: … &dict=CALD

Hi Torsten,

I think it’s one of those British/American differences. For old fogies like me there is a belief that the singular is preferred but I am given to understand that the plural form is used regularly in American English. There are two points to bear in mind: it is gradually being used in the plural in British English and apparently it was used in the plural form in the UK up until the 18th century. So as they say: you takes your pick!


Sorry Conchita - while I was laboriously slaving over a hot keyboard, you nipped in with a quick response.


Hi Torsten

If your resources stated unequivocally that the word ‘accommodation’ is always uncountable, then I would recommend looking for new sources of information. Accommodation can be used as a countable noun and as an uncountable noun. Also bear in mind that the word accommodation is not used exclusively to refer to lodging.

This is fascinating to me. It’s another case of a British archaism continuing remaining current in the US for centuries, but in this case it must be seeping back and restoring old usage in the UK.