
Hey Everyone,

742EvergreenTerrace is my name and I’m here to get help with my standardized testing woes, just like you guys. I’m an engineer and while that means my science and math skills are pretty sharp, I’m absolutely awful at writing. I can never seem to get my thoughts on paper like I want them and my essays tend to sound like drivel most of the time. Bummer.

I’m also a huge nerd; I collect comic books, love science-fiction/fantasy and am enthralled by technology. Maybe you’ve even seen me at ComicCon :slight_smile:

Well enough about me, I’d like to get to know all of you! Wish me luck on the GRE!

Hi EvergreenTerrace, I am trained as an engineer as well - electrical engineer. I think you may be being a bit hard on yourself, I thought your GRE essay was pretty good. Are you living in the US? Based on your fluency it sounds like it.

Thanks! Yes, I live in the US, though I wasn’t born here. I owe my fluency to long hours of TV when I was younger. :slight_smile: